Simple ‘Biblical’ Prophecy Symbols Explained.
Pure Women = Church Reference (Jeremiah 6:2) Corrupt Women = Apostate Church Reference(Ezekiel 16:15-58,) Please reply to me for more ‘Biblical Symbols’ if you need an explanation on or an
My main focus is to explain Simple Bible Symbols, as the ‘Bible’ explains itself, but sometimes I do see & listen to “current events” and how I think they tie into Prophecies.
My thinking of “Prophecy versus Current Events”
The truth was exposed.
The ‘Health Ranger in his December 13, 2022, podcast got it right by exposing the Vatican and the ‘Pope’ as a bunch of Satanists.
In the final book of the ‘Bible’ [Revelation] God explains all to everyone on the ‘earth’, but Pastors/Preachers are only worried about how much money they can extort from the people instead of studying the ‘Bible’, and explaining the prophecies to the people?
In Revelation 17 [Revelation 17:3:14] a woman is riding a beast {Women = Church, Beast = Kingdom/Government/Political Power} in this chapter 17 by the clothing she’s wearing she has been identified by ‘Biblical Scholars as the ‘RCC’ (Roman Catholic Church) please remember not the people of the ’RCC’ but the Vatican.
In [Revelation 13:1-18] two beasts are exposed these 2 beasts have been ‘Identified as the ‘Vatican and the U.S.A. the second beast is enforcing their people to worship the ‘1st Beast’
All this is happening today, so the Pope is promoting his nonsense of ‘Climate Change’ and worship on a ‘Sunday’.
Gods ‘TRUE’ day of worship is the ‘Saturday Sabbath’, please do not believe the Pope & Vatican lie of it being a Jewish sabbath, as God instituted the ‘Saturday Sabbath in the beginning [Genesis 2: 1-3] so by studying the book of ‘Revelation’ many “Bible Scholars, and interested parties” have concluded that your “MARK OF THE BEAST” has to do with ‘Worship’ therefore (‘Saturday’ = Gods day, ‘Sunday’ = ‘Satan’s day) so you choose, now before you ‘stone’ me, your forehead ‘Mark’ is what you choose {‘Forehead in prophecy = Mind} [Deuteronomy 6:6-8, Romans 7:25, Ezekiel 3:8-9] your mind is located on the frontal lobe of your brain anyway getting back to the Vatican & Pope lies, God only called ‘Abraham’ the father of the Jews about 2500 years after He had created the earth and the ‘Sabbath was created in the beginning so it cannot be a Jewish ‘Sabbath only’, God made the ‘Sabbath’ for all mankind to enjoy
Many studies on this subject led me from going from a ‘Sunday worshipping church’ church to joining a ‘Saturday worshipping church.’ the S.D.A. church, although S.D.A Church has many faults they worship God on his true day.
As I mentioned before the ‘Health Ranger’ in his podcast [I listen daily to his podcasts] got it right by exposing the Pope & Vatican as ‘Satanists’, in [Revelation 2:7-9, and many other places in Revelation, it tells you that these authorities gave themselves over to the Dragons authority {Dragon = Devil}, in [Matthew 24] Jesus was explaining to his disciples and the very first thing he mentioned was ‘DECEPTION’ [Matthew 24:4]
Therefore, do not be deceived by the lies of the Pope, Governments, or Big Pharma in fact [Revelation 18:23] talks about sorcery the Greek word for “Sorcery = Pharmakia” where we get ‘Pharmacy’ from and today Big Pharma is deceiving many & enriching themselves
So the forehead is represented by your choice Saturday/Sunday’[Deuteronomy 30:19] this is your choice of Vaccinated or not (Forehead Mark).
Please note the mark on your body according to [Revelation 13:16] is two-fold either you get the mark on your ‘Forehead’ OR ‘in the hand’
I have always maintained that the ‘Vaccines had something to do with ‘end-time prophecy [Revelation 13:16-17] as you in the future will not be able to buy & sell unless you are vaccinated, so by accepting the vaccine you are fulfilling the ‘Mark in your hand’ as in the future government controlled Digital currency will come into effect and to operate the Currency/Transact, they will use the technology already vaccinated into your body, now because of ignorance I’m sure “God will forgive you “, but if you knowingly got vaccinated and have taken multiple ‘Vaccines’ it is going to be harder for you to repent, but Gods mercy is ‘HUGE’.
You then, with all the wicked ‘WILL’ face Gods wrath [Revelation 14:9-11], so please stay away from the vaccines [Grow Your Own Food) and do not accept ‘Sunday’ worship in both cases please, please do not accept them as then you will be {Selling Your Soul to the Devil}.
P.S. I am an S.D.A. (Seventh Day Adventist) which was given the “Health Message by God in order to assist humans with diseases to stop taking drugs with many “Side Effects) but ‘NO’ the ‘GC’ (General Conference) ‘GC’ is the controlling body of the S.D.A. churches and instead of promoting Gods health message. They promote ‘Vaccines’, this led me to tell many ‘Bible students and church elders, that the” Health Ranger” on his own has done more for humanity in getting Healthy products than the whole ‘GC’ globally!!!
P.P.S. Please if you have any Questions/Comments on the ‘Article/Symbols/End Times please reply, and please ‘PREPARE’, whether you are PRE or POST TRIB.
I’m not a pre or post-trib guy, but I am a prepper, as I feel God has given us the wisdom to prepare, and yes during His final Judgement/Wrath predicted as the 7 plagues then as a believer God will protect you [did God not protect the Israelites during the plagues in Egypt]
P.P.P.S. although I’m a ‘South African’ whatever his podcasts are on its always relevant to me as I believe as things happen in ‘America’, some of the worlds follow, and as ‘America’ is your 2nd beast in prophecy there is relevancy to prophecies in [Revelation]
Yours in Christ
Jose Da Silva